
Layer<<Protocol data unit (PDU)Function
7ApplicationDataHigh-level protocols such as for resource sharing or remote file access, e.g. HTTP.
^6Presentation^Translation of data between a networking service and an application; including character encodingdata compression and encryption/decryption
^5Session^Managing communication sessions, i.e., continuous exchange of information in the form of multiple back-and-forth transmissions between two nodes
^4TransportSegmentDatagramReliable transmission of data segments between points on a network, including segmentationacknowledgement and multiplexing
3NetworkPacketStructuring and managing a multi-node network, including addressingrouting and traffic control
^2Data linkFrameTransmission of data frames between two nodes connected by a physical layer
^1PhysicalBitSymbolTransmission and reception of raw bit streams over a physical medium


Layer 1: Physical layer

Deals with the physical equipment involved in the network, such as cables and switches. It converts data into bits and transmits them over the network

Provides node-to-node data transfer, detecting and possibly correcting errors that may occur in the Physical layer. It packages bits into frames.

Layer 3: Network layer

Responsible for logical addressing and routing data between networks. It packages frames into packets.

Layer 4: Transport layer

Ensures complete data transfer. It segments and reassembles data into packets and provides error checking and flow control.

Layer 5: Session layer

Establishes, maintains and synchronizes communication sessions between applications. It provides checkpointing, restart and restart capabilities.

Layer 6: Presentation layer

Defines data formats, encryption, compression and conversions for application layer.

Layer 7: Application layer

Serves as the interface for network services to applications, such as email, file transfer and terminal emulation.